A fun fact about me is…
I love dancing! Swing dancing is my thing, but...
I'm starting to pickup salsa, bachata, and I enjoy the Hustle/disco dancing. I'm keen to learn any new dance.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
Something that's helpful to share when giving feedback: "I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them." Be honest and candid. Know that I have high expectations for myself. I'm hard on myself and I'm my own worst critic. But I always want to get better. What are practical things I can do that are backed up by books, data, or history?
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Things that deeply motivate me…
I want to feel fulfilled and that requires me to feel like I belong, while also making others feel like they belong. I feel like I belong when I feel free to be authentic and pursue responsibility and free will.
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People who have impacted how I see the 🌍
These people have made me think a lot about the human condition. What does it all mean? What values am I willing to stand for? How do I become a better person? How do I connect with the world, nature, and others? What am I capable of (in terms of both darkness and potential for good)?
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I'm energized at work by…
I like solving problems and getting stuff done. How that happens is a healthy balance of personal time for creativity and deep thought, combined with collaborative work with other motivated people. I also get energized by connecting with people, finding common ground, and using my experience to help others in need.
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My areas for growth