Paul Bresenden
A fun fact about me is…
I'm a 1st gen Russian immigrant, have 8 siblings, and played in a ska band
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Paul Bresenden
I like to get feedback when its given…
with kindnesswith examples
At the moment, I'm trying to get things done. I'm probably pretty defensive. If its done with kindness, I'm very receptive.
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Paul Bresenden
Things that deeply motivate me…
Helping others ❤️Getting things done ✅Learning as much as I can 🤓
I love helping others succeed. To do that, I'm constantly learning and improving.
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Paul Bresenden
What I'm like at work
I love making things happen. I'm constantly thinking, improving, and tweaking to drive growth.
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Paul Bresenden
My areas for growth
Maintains clear long term vision that drives decision makingIntentional and strategic project planningClearly communicates purpose and vision
Growing our team is my most important role at 454 Creative.
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Paul Bresenden
My superpowers
Mentors and develops teammates for their growthFosters high performance teamworkStays composed throughout conflict or difficult situationsInvests and is interested in personal and professional growthStays true to own values with integrity
Our marketing agency builds a powerful growth engine for each of our clients.
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Paul Bresenden
I'm energized at work by…
getting sh*t done.in person workbuilding stuffsolving problemshelping others succeed
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