Scott Gajda
One thing that might surprise you about me…
I'm hard working and want to be the best
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Scott Gajda
Something that drives me crazy 😵💫 🤬
People that make excuses
Because I feel if you really want something you can figure out a way to make it happen.
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Scott Gajda
Best way to get me excited about something
If I can see the ROI for self and others, I'm in
Talk to me about ways that I can help my family and others in need
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Scott Gajda
Things I'd love to learn
I want to get become a better leader other than production.
I feel this will help improve my team and help build G2.
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Scott Gajda
I really admire teammates who are…
Open and willing to try new things and improve their craft
It makes me feel like they care and want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
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Scott Gajda
The best environment for me is:
back to back meetingslots of in person collab
I feel like I'm more productive and things don't get in the way
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Scott Gajda
Things that deeply motivate me…
Making money💰
It motivates me because it puts me in a position to provide for my family and help others.
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Scott Gajda
I work best as a…
Some mix of execution and strategy. I love doing tasks and the high-level strategy conversations.
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Scott Gajda
My favorite movie
Remember the TitansDays of ThunderWedding CrashersAmerican History XBridesmaides
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Scott Gajda
I'm energized at work by…
getting sh*t done.in person worksolving problemshelping others succeed
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Scott Gajda
I like to get feedback when its given…
in the momentface to faceidc just tell mewith contextwith examplesmonthly
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Scott Gajda
My core values
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Scott Gajda
My areas for growth
Invests and is interested in personal and professional growthMaintains clear long term vision that drives decision makingIntentional and strategic project planningClearly communicates purpose and visionStays composed throughout conflict or difficult situations
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Scott Gajda
My superpowers
Consistently hits goals and is a high performerMakes decisions promptly, even with uncertaintyWilling to openly have difficult conversationsMaintains effective work life balanceMentors and develops teammates for their growth
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