I'm energized at work by…

I like to get feedback when its given…

Things that deeply motivate me…

My core values

I learn best by…
If I'm working alongside someone, I want to watch me do it while I say what I'm doing and correct me where I'm flubbing up. Also happy to learn on my own, if given the time/space to focus. Am a major course hoarder. (Except I actually do them, unlike most.)
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What I'm like at work
I'm a person who wants to own my work and make decisions without a ton of oversight. It's really hard for me not to lead.
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My areas for growth
I can sometimes get bogged down in doing things "the right way" when more growth-minded teammates want to just get something shipped. Trying to get more balanced in my approach so I don't drive everyone crazy.
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My superpowers
I'm a die-hard future proofer. I want everything documented and as few quick fixes as possible. Nothing gives me greater joy than to build out systems that will support long-term viability, quick onboarding, squash confusion... Also smiley on calls.
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