Things I'd love to learn
I'd love to learn more languages. Also, how to sell services well.
Linguistics and languages fascinate me, probably because communication fascinates me. Selling / biz dev is something I have helped with a lot over the years, but not done myself. I'm curious to see how I would fare.
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A fun fact about me is…
I'm a Francophile and dream of having a job that sends me to France
I am a Soviet Jew, and my family was able to escape the USSR in 1985 thanks to Francois Mitterand's intervention. I've loved France ever since.
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My happy place
The AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco is where Krissa and I had our first date... and where she proposed a couple of years later 🥰
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Me when sh*t hits the fan

I'm pretty good at staying calm under stress. My P tendencies kick in and I can prioritize, delegate and GSD with the best of them.
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Personality type
The MBTI type really describes me well. I'm energized by people (E) and I make my decisions based on humans first, data second (F). I'm a big (big) picture thinker (N), and I leave just about everything till the last possible minute (P).
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I like to get feedback when its given…
I like to get feedback both in written form and with a follow-up / discussion (or vice versa). Either way, I'd rather be in the moment and talk through it when we're face to face, but still have a written account of it from you to reference later.
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What I'm like at work
Two of my top strengths are Restorative and Includer, which means I love to solve problems and I try to make sure folks are part of the process.
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My core values
For me, these are the underpinnings of being a whole human at work
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Things that deeply motivate me…
Human connection drives me
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You will make my freakin day if you…
Tell / show me how I've made a difference!
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