Razvan Bleza
My biggest fear
Being unlovable, rejected, or unwantedBeing worthless or not valued
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I work best as a…
Some mix of execution and strategy. I love doing tasks and the high-level strategy conversations.
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I'm energized at work by…
building stuffsolving problemshelping others succeed
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Razvan Bleza
The best environment for me is:
time for deep work in the AMlots of in person collab
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Razvan Bleza
My areas for growth
Collaborates effectively with teammatesStays true to own values with integrityInvests and is interested in personal and professional growth
Full storyRazvan Bleza
My superpowers
Mentors and develops teammates for their growthManages feelings of self and others during conflictCreates warm, caring relationships with teammatesPrioritizes common good over self-interestStays composed throughout conflict or difficult situations
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