Meghan Paul
My biggest fear
Being unlovable, rejected, or unwantedBeing helpless, invaded, or overwhelmedBeing trapped, deprived/limited, or in painBeing weak, controlled, powerlessBeing in conflict or separated from others, being without connection
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Meghan Paul
What I'm like at work
EncouragingHard WorkingHumbleAnalyticalObservantRespectfulThoughtful
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Meghan Paul
I work best as a…
Functional executor: I love driving projects from the ground up. Doing the task gets me fired up.
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Meghan Paul
I'm energized at work by…
getting sh*t done.building stuffsolving problemshelping others succeed
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Meghan Paul
Things that deeply motivate me…
Helping others ❤️Getting things done ✅Being my most authentic self 🎨
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Meghan Paul
The best environment for me is:
time for deep work in the AMspace for deep work in the PM< 2 meetings lots of in person collab
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Meghan Paul
You will make my freakin day if you…
private praise / thank you!slack shoutouta dank MEME
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Meghan Paul
My areas for growth
Intentional and strategic project planningClearly communicates purpose and visionConsistently hits goals and is a high performer
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Meghan Paul
My superpowers
Collaborates effectively with teammatesCreates warm, caring relationships with teammatesMotivated by making community/world impactMakes decisions promptly, even with uncertaintyMentors and develops teammates for their growth
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