Epic work fails
I've deleted the production database.
Ask for help even if I screwed up; my colleagues at the time worked with me to totally fix the entire problem. Also, don't allow direct connections to the prod db; fix errors with systematic solutions.
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When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
tune out; I can be fairly avoidant of anxiety, but it's tough to stress me.
Make sure you try to understand what I'm saying; my primary trigger is the feeling that someone is not actively listening what I'm saying.
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Teammates might misunderstand me as...
A know-it-all who tries to force people to do things a certain way.
I spend a lot of time practicing product management, so I end up with a lot of opinions on how change management can be done effectively. When I see people missing a spot, I tend to speak up, essentially giving people unsolicited feedback on their efforts, which is obviously annoying.
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Things that deeply motivate me…
The keyword to all this stuff is "growth."
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The best environment for me is:
I need a little meeting time each day so I feel connected, but too many meetings totally stop me from getting my work done. Asynchronous work is really useful.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
I will have no judgement against any feedback people can provide; come out and say it, and I will be thankful and excited to learn something new.
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My core values
We're only alive for, like, a bit, and it sucks if we have to spend a lot of that time trying to be something we're not. At the same time, if we can't fit ourselves into the world of making positive change, then we're kinda just living for ourselves.
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You will make my freakin day if you…
Be straightforward!
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My areas for growth
I know how difficult and elusive communication can be, and we've all been nipped when we unknowingly misalign due to some hidden miscommunication. Following this, I tend to get anxious when I'm sensing blockages to communication, and it becomes altogether to easy for me to then steer directly into conflict. Ultimately, we're trying to make a difference in people's lives, else we're just wasting our time on widgets and sprockets.
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My superpowers
I am results-driven, so I tend to lean on the side of "what is the measurable impact we are having as a group," which detracts a little from focussing on friendly interactions and whatnot-- but I love friendly interactions anyway.
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