Catherine Kunyiha
My biggest fear
Being unlovable, rejected, or unwantedHaving no meaning or being insignificant and mundaneBeing without support or security, or being abandonedBeing weak, controlled, powerlessBeing in conflict or separated from others, being without connection
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Catherine Kunyiha
I work best as a…
Some mix of execution and strategy. I love doing tasks and the high-level strategy conversations.
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Catherine Kunyiha
I'm energized at work by…
getting sh*t done.solving problemshelping others succeed
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Catherine Kunyiha
Things that deeply motivate me…
Making money💰Winning 🥇Helping others ❤️Work to make the 🌎 a better placeBeing my most authentic self 🎨Learning as much as I can 🤓Creating a safe little nest 🐣Having unique experiences ✨Running the show, being in charge ⚡️
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Catherine Kunyiha
The best environment for me is:
time for deep work in the AM< 2 meetings lots of in person collab
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Catherine Kunyiha
I like to get feedback when its given…
1:1face to facewith kindnesswith contextweekly
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Catherine Kunyiha
My core values
AchievementAutonomyBalanceFunCommunityChallengeCreativityFairnessHonestyLearningMeaningful WorkOpennessReputationRespectServiceSuccessStatusWealth
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Catherine Kunyiha
I learn best by…
doing ithearing someone explain itwriting it downtaking a course
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Catherine Kunyiha
My areas for growth
Maintains clear long term vision that drives decision makingIntentional and strategic project planningConsistently hits goals and is a high performer
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Catherine Kunyiha
My superpowers
Mentors and develops teammates for their growthCreates warm, caring relationships with teammatesFosters high performance teamworkManages feelings of self and others during conflictCollaborates effectively with teammates
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