Braden Riis
Best way to get me excited about something
Tell me how it helps move us forward.
Hours saved? Standard process? Self service? How can we make things better, and how do we measure the impact.
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Braden Riis
My Achilles Heel is…
I can get stuck in diffused thoughts and not focus on specifics.
Help bring me down to reality and transfer ideas into a roadmap.
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Braden Riis
My biggest fear
Being worthless or not valuedHaving no meaning or being insignificant and mundaneBeing weak, controlled, powerless
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Braden Riis
What I'm like at work
Hard WorkingImaginativeCreativeObservantPersistentAssertiveRespectfulCuriousResourceful
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Braden Riis
I work best as a…
Some mix of execution and strategy. I love doing tasks and the high-level strategy conversations.
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Braden Riis
Things that deeply motivate me…
Helping others ❤️Getting things done ✅Work to make the 🌎 a better placeLearning as much as I can 🤓
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Braden Riis
The best environment for me is:
space for deep work in the PMdeep work time slots only
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Braden Riis
You will make my freakin day if you…
private praise / thank you!slack shoutouta dank MEMEshare a problemshare an idea
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Braden Riis
My areas for growth
Willing to openly have difficult conversationsClearly communicates purpose and visionIntentional and strategic project planning
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Braden Riis
My superpowers
Collaborates effectively with teammatesPrioritizes common good over self-interestInvests and is interested in personal and professional growthStays true to own values with integrityMotivated by making community/world impact
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