Best way to get me excited about something
Anything YOU are excited about
I like getting to know people. I love that we are all different and I want to know how different we are exactly. I get intrigued by what makes 'YOU'.
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When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
Slower, shorter replies
It's not you, it's me. I get distracted easily so I am still working out how to focus on what's important now, I'm just compartmentalising your pings for later. Just wait for me! I'll get back when I am settled.
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My Achilles Heel is…
I get distracted easily
I like being involved but my brain gets too active when I have too many things happening at the same time because I am excited about everything and want to be everywhere. Watch out for my slack status! I keep them updated pretty timely. Or not, I mute my notifications when I need focus time anyway. I'll just get back to you later!
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Am I lucky?
Young Belle would be proud that I am living and loving life now. I think it took a lot for me to appreciate life and people. I am thankful for the people I come in contact with, good or bad.
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I really admire teammates who are…
Have your best interests at heart, genuine, truly kind and selfless.
I think the world is hard enough and it's the people that is making it hard. I think people are losing sight of what's really important when you come into contact with someone else, there is always something to learn and the best way to do it is if we help each other.
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How I relax
FOOD - Love making and eating food.
I love CAKES & TEA. I've developed a foolproof 'concept' to eat more desserts just by pairing tea. The wash down is important! How the tea complements the flavour of the dessert can really make or break your experience. TALK TO ME! I love cooking too. Actually eating in generally. I like balanced contrast, texture and palate experience. The eating experience for me is very important.
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A fun fact about me is…
I started off as a leftie as a kid. I can still use chopsticks with my left
Rightie now, but theres no 'difficult angles' for me. Nothing can stop me from swooping in with my chopsticks in my left hand and grabbing food.
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My biggest fear
I think, this best describes why > 'I like being in a positive environment'
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Most used emojis

Big hug (first one) is my favourite. Unless we have a new one that can give bigger hugs, this will be my favourite one until then.
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I learn best by…
I go into hyperfocus mode when I learn. I can learn in anyway but I am typically an independent learner. I can't discuss as I learn. How I learn: 1. Gather all info 2. Brainstorm - dissect, pairing, linking, researching 3. Bring everything together and ANALYSE 4. Then discussing with others. ^ I like having more certainty when working with other people
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You will make my freakin day if you…
Please its hard enough being async, talk to me. About anything.
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My core values
At the end of my life journey here, I want to remember how I've learnt from others and how I've served them. Achievement, Challenge and Success are motivators for me to learn more. Not against others (I got 0 competitive energy) but they are values in place to ensure I keep learning.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
Just tell me please, in any form, at any time. I think there's a lot for me to learn from different situations and different communication styles.
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The best environment for me is:
I like working on my individual tasks first so that I clear up my mind to help others in theirs after.
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Things that deeply motivate me…
I think we are all learning to survive in this world. Might as well make the best out of it with people that matters!
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Personality type
I think its pretty accurate! Here > https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality
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What I'm like at work
I care about people's feelings a lot. I am aware that how I make them feel can affect them positively or negatively. I try to, as much as possible, communicate concisely with enough information in a way that helps everyone with no offence. I am aware that we all have different perceptions especially if we are working async, it is easy to understand things differently. I love to help someone dissect and understand things as it helps me to understand them as a person and how I can better communicate with them in the future.
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My areas for growth
I believe that there are no limits to EQ growth, there is always a better way to handle things and situations. By working on EQ growth, I hope that I can help everyone get the best out of any situation and focus on the things that are truly important.
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My superpowers
I believe in encouraging everyone to do their very best as everyone's 'best' varies depending on the different priorities we have (which limits us differently in terms of energy, time, mental capacity, etc) - your 'best' is enough. Respecting and accepting that we're all just humans at the end of the day is very important to me. I work a lot on self-growth both personally and professionally (LOVE READING, especially self-help). I love learning and helping others to learn. I live by 'learning from others', it's the quickest way to learn. I believe that we can achieve more things together, rather than flying solo. I prioritise on 'the common good' because it's the quickest and kindest way to get things done. I believe that nothing good comes out from working for oneself, it detaches one from the all the truly important things in life.
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I'm energized at work by…