Coworker from IBM and Stellafai
Working hard but sustainability in safe spaces with awesome people on a purpose that matters to her and to society - making the world a better place with equality, inclusivity and fairness in doing so.
Bella Bardswell
I not a finished product, far from it! I value feedback very highly and I would love for you to give me and our team feedback often. The sooner the better. If something is up, please don’t let it fester and grow, let me know. I commit to doing the same, so long as you’re open to it. One thing I know I do and am working on is that I get over-excited and then sometimes… well maybe often, I interrupt. Please call me out on it. I don't mind. My days tend to be busy, I’m working on that but please know that I’ll always do my best to make time if you need to catch-up. Please don't slot meetings into the little gaps - they help me refresh and be the best Bella for my other meetings. If there are no slots, please send me a message and I’ll make time. I try to respect the time of others. Little things that might demonstrate this are joining meetings on time, being present on video calls, and keeping your video. I get frustrated when people don’t respect my time. It’s the one thing we can never get back. I always try to treat others with respect and expect the same of others. My operating system is agile. I value transparency and openness, conversations and collaboration. I am cool with failure so long as we do it quickly and learn from it. I don’t like people pointing fingers. I am hard wired to focus on delivering value and impact. Outcomes over output. I love cool new ideas, but I will prioritise getting stuff finished and realising some value… stop starting and start finishing. Collaborating is my favourite way to work and often to think. Around a whiteboard, with a stack of post-its and more than just my brain. I prefer working and am at my best when working with others (not on my own). I am not great at balancing work and life but I've got a lot better. I'm failing if I'm not resting. We do our best work when we have time and space to rest and breathe. I will protect my evenings and weekends. Different people do and different things to stay balanced. Figure that out and let people know, so we can help you succeed and be your best you.