My Achilles Heel is…
Cruelty and abuse of power activate my rage. Oh, and time blindness!
Deep breaths and reminders of what exists in my sphere of control, sphere of influence, and what I can only observe. And please don't mind my timers, clocks, and repeated questions about timelines.
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Am I lucky?
Absolutely lucky. I have cheated death twice.
...and I've been surrounded by a collective of angels that have nursed me back to health and happiness.
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What I'm like at work
It is an honor and joy to support teachers, students, and magic of learning. I've learned countless lessons from my past work experiences, and have vowed to make sure joy is part of my everyday.
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Organization, snacks, and a disco ball to remind myself to have fun, maybe even dance a little during the day.
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My areas for growth
I have a "proven track record" of hyperfocusing on work to the detriment of my health, including my internal resources. I am certain that a better work life balance would ensure more energy and time for special interest and time with my friends and family.
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My superpowers
Developing community and a sense of belonging is the necessary foundation for innovation and high performance teamwork.
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People who have impacted how I see the 🌍
They have opened my eyes to the beauty and complexity of the human experience, and how to move through the world with joy, grit, and grace.
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Things that deeply motivate me…
Sweet lord, it was difficult to narrow this list down or even prioritize it. Top three: (1) Make the world a better place (2) Make money (3) Being my authetnic self
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You will make my freakin day if you…
Look, I am human, so verbal praise is always appreciated. I may, in fact, survive on praise and sour patch kids. But I consider it a true compliment when those I respect come to me with an idea or problem they want to jam out on.
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