Epic work fails
I used an image of Ottawa for a City of London brief... WHOOPS!
No one noticed, I try to be extra careful now that the I don't select images that are not the place of origin but it was an honest mistake.
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Something that drives me crazy 😵💫 🤬
Unclear instructions. I need you to be very specific with me.
I can't read between the lines, I need you to spell out in black & white exactly what you need from me and when you need it by.
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Things I'd love to learn
3D illustration and animation.
I love the aesthetic and it's useful skill to have and fun to learn.
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Best way to get me excited about something
VARIETY, I love a challenge! to practice a skill or learn a new one.
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I really admire teammates who are…
Genuine, open to learning, empathetic, courageous, reliable.
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When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
Withdraw or I'm less chatty that usual
Check-in and ask me what's going on.
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My Achilles Heel is…
I find it hard to get back into the flow if I'm interrupted
Set times for touchpoints rather than random check-ins
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Me when sh*t hits the fan

No problemo! I GOTS YOU ;) The pressure of a short timeline helps me make decisions faster. I find I struggle more when I have all the time in the world. But the first thing I do is process, gather questions and once I have the answers I need, I get straight to work.
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The best environment for me is:
I find my energy depletes as the day goes on so I work best in the morning without meetings because I also struggle with getting back into the flow after an interruptions or distractions.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
I prefer direct and explicit feedback so that I have tangible goals or areas for improvement
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Outside of work, you'll find me...
Indoor wallclimbing, Furniture up cycling, Thrifting.
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What I'm like at work

I work best as a…

Things that deeply motivate me…

My core values

You will make my freakin day if you…

My areas for growth