priscilla lu
I love to interact with my coworkers, and to get to know everyone personally! I truly enjoy team building and planning events for everyone to relax outside of work! I think a part of being a good employee is to also have an amazing work environment, and I want to help build that. I believe that my work ability and what I produce is a representation of who I am, so I will always put forth my full effort to every task. I do not seek any type of praise, that actually makes me uncomfortable- I'd prefer to have acknowledgement that you are satisfied with what I have to offer. I am quick witted and extremely resourceful! I like to solve issues quickly and effectively. I find myself able to solve issues with some ingenuity, I credit that to my right-sided brain. I play a-lot of video games and that really helped with being able to problem solve with what's in front of you. I'm a super fun co-worker and I am completely free of judgment! I would love my team to come to see me not only as a coworker but as a friend.