I really admire teammates who are…
Curious, inspiring, empathetic, caring, driven and approachable
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Things I'd love to learn
Something I NEED to learn more about is coding and our tech stacks.
During Tech interviews I recognise the names of things and can ask high level Yes/No questions, but I would really love to have a deeper understanding of these kinds of terms and what they mean in relation to what we are building.
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Am I lucky?
I am fortunate and privileged but I don't believe in sheer luck
In my opinion an individual's start in life, i.e. their privilege, helps shape and strengthen the foundation on which they start to build, brick by brick, their trajectory. After that, I'd like to think in most cases how fast you progress and what you achieve, is down to how hard you work. I don't believe in sheer luck...I believe that those with privilege are given a head start but I like to think that everyone and anyone can work hard to reach their ambitions and goals. I think that the concept of luck belittles people's own power over their destiny.
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Teammates might misunderstand me as...
...overwhelming and a burden.
I am trying to put a lot of things and changes in place at once and I though some will acknowledge the long term impact of this, I worry that in the short-term I come across as just another thing people have to think about that is not a priority. In trying to help, I worry I am adding to the heavy load of our people.
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My superpowers

My core values

You will make my freakin day if you…

I work best as a…

I'm energized at work by…

I like to get feedback when its given…

The best environment for me is:

Things that deeply motivate me…

My biggest fear