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David Paige

😬😧🥴 Recently went outside my comfort zone…

Any time I need to speak in front of a large group. I'm a total introvert!
David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

A fun fact about me is…

I started a business when I was a teenager.

It was actually a web comic that ultimately proved to be unsuccessful but I did go through all the motions of getting a DBA and tax id. I have a fairly developed, if under-used, skillset in illustration.

Things I want to learn cover image
David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

Things I'd love to learn

WASMs, Cypress, WebGL, and DevOps

DevOps in particular always seems like black magic to me, so I'm always in awe of the tools and strategies used.

How I relax cover image
David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

How I relax

Reading, gaming, and wrangling cats (if you can call that relaxing).
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David Paige

The best environment for me is:

space for deep work in the PMzero back to back meetings

I'm a night owl

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David Paige

Me when sh*t hits the fan

David Paige when sh*t hits the fan

I try hard to seem even-keeled during a crisis outwardly. Inside, I panic and try to focus only on getting the next step accomplished.

David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

I learn best by…

doing itwriting it down

I'm a bit of an autodidact, so I learn best outside of group settings.

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David Paige

Most used emojis

David Paige's most used emojis

this is not financial advice

David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

I work best as a…

Functional executor: I love driving projects from the ground up. Doing the task gets me fired up.

I like doing the grunt work. The beauty is that I actually grunt while I do it.

David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

What's in my dock

A screenshot of David Paige's dock

4 browsers since I'm doing full stack coding. GIMP is the oddball, but you never know when you need an image editor.

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David Paige

My workplace setup

David Paige's workplace setup

I just grab a convenient corner and hope for the best. Sometimes I need to battle with a little beast for space, like Ivy here. I prefer a mouse to the trackpad, but the cat scares it away.

Motivations cover image
David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

Things that deeply motivate me…

Helping others ❤️Getting things done ✅Work to make the 🌎 a better place

I really like the idea of doing something that's both awesome and makes a difference in the world.

Values cover image
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David Paige

My core values

AuthenticityCreativityFairnessHumorMeaningful WorkRespectService
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David Paige

What I'm like at work

David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

My superpowers

Prioritizes common good over self-interestStays true to own values with integrityMaintains clear long term vision that drives decision makingStays composed throughout conflict or difficult situationsMotivated by making community/world impact
How to make my day cover image
David Paige's user avatar on Candor
David Paige

You will make my freakin day if you…

send me pet pics share an ideatell me about a book you're reading