Coworker from The Broad
Explain clearly, let her know how much creative room she has to work with, and she'll deliver! She is still early career so there are natural points of evolution ahead. Claire is a natural team player and hard worker, she will be as good as the manager she works under empowers her to be!
Claire O'Keefe
I enjoy collaborative work but I do my best when I'm left alone to be heads down and productive. I'm a very straight to the point person when it comes to work. I love to solve problems and am always willing to help where I can.
Coworker from Envoy
Claire doesn’t need a lot of handholding. You can trust her to get the job done, whatever it is.
Coworker from Envoy Portfolio / Canvas Studios
Keep Claire in the know about the "why" of a project or task. If she understands the value of a deliverable, she'll work tirelessly to achieve the desired outcome.