Proud moment
Planning a 3-day Career Fair for 3,000 students.
This was by far the most difficult event I've ever led. The amount of planning, strategizing, etc. almost drove me to madness, but in the end, it was all worth it. I even was featured on the local news for my efforts, which was fun(ish).
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Something that drives me crazy 😵💫 🤬
Circular conversations/ Lack of direction/ All talk and no action/
I believe in action above all else. Of course, preparation and discussion are important, but there's a time when the rubber needs to meet the road. If I spend too much time in neutral it can make me go a little crazy
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Things I'd love to learn
-Home Improvement/DYI -Prototyping -Finance/Investing -Work-Based Learning
Home Improvement/DYI: Ever since I've been a homeowner, and realized how expensive tradesmen are, I've had the desire to be handier. I'm slowly getting there, but there's still so much I want to learn Prototyping: I'm genuinely fascinated by this skillset and the ability to prototype software. Finance/Investing: I want to secure a comfortable future for my family and learn how to invest and manage finances like a pro Work-Based Learning: Although I consider myself extremely knowledgeable in this space, and without sounding too braggadocious, I'm comfortable calling myself an expert -- but there's ALWAYS more to learn. WBL has been my niche for some time now and I want to absorb as much info about this space as I can.
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When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
-Rubbing my temples -Slamming soda/junk food -Less Chipper
Don't try to de-stress me. Just treat me as you usually would and let nature take its course.
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One thing that might surprise you about me…
-I'm a Brazilian Citizen -I'm an avid fiction writer
This usually doesn't come up in the workplace, and I tend not to reveal everything about my 'outside of work life' -- although I am an open book for the most part. If you have a 1-on-1 chat or join me for a happy hour, you'd be surprised what you might find out :)
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I really admire teammates who are…
-Unafraid to speak their mind -Problem Solvers -Authentic -Hard Workers
Anytime I've seen conflict in a workplace, it often stems from inauthenticity or an inability to accomplish tasks -- whether due to laziness or incompetence. In other organizations I've worked for, I've encountered these qualities in co-workers/teammates more than I would have liked. With that in mind, I really admire teammates who do not BS, come to work prepared, and readily solve problems rather than create them.
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My biggest fear
In a professional setting, I fear two things: lack of control and having no impact. If I'm not able to have some control over my work or I feel as if I am not contributing to overall goals, that would definitely 'scare' me
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I work best as a…
At CPS, I was required to design the high-level strategy for the WBL team and also be involved in the day-to-day execution of specific tasks -- due to our small team and expansive goals. For example, one day I would be meeting with the chief of our office to discuss KPIs and vision for the coming years, and the next day I would be creating a highly-detailed project plan for an upcoming event.
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I learn best by…
Above all else, I learn by doing -- or experiential learning as some may call it. I can read articles or take courses and absorb information, but I really start to understand the subject matter by 'living it'
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I'm energized at work by…
Solving complex problems is my JAM. I love to get into the weeds and problem-solve, and when I get to cross that problem off my list with an effective solution -- NOW WE'RE TALKING.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
If you have feedback, positive or negative, go ahead and tell me -- I won't be offended. That said, I may pushback if you do not have concrete examples to illustrate that feedback in the context of my work.
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What I'm like at work
My goal is to be someone who is both easy to work with and gets sh*t done. That doesn't mean I'll be a pushover; I have strong convictions and I'll come prepared with evidence -- but I won't get angry if you disagree. I'm also a strong believer in processes -- and that means being organized and analytical in the way I approach my work. Lastly, I try to bring my authentic self into the workplace. So that means, as much as I can be, I am happy-go-lucky and enthusiastic even about mundane tasks.
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Things that deeply motivate me…
There are two distinct segments to what motivates me. First off, I am an ambitious person. I'm motivated to achieve success in my career and want to climb the ranks of any organization I join. If you peruse my resume, you'll see that reality reflected. Secondly, I am driven to make a positive impact on youth and allow more young people to succeed in their personal and professional lives -- whatever success means to them. I see that as my mission in life and have dedicated my professional career to improving post-secondary outcomes for students.
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You will make my freakin day if you…
I'm unashamed to admit that praise (either public or private) is an easy way to make my day -- even my week under the right circumstances. Although I am highly self-motivated and do not necessarily seek validation, it means a lot to me to receive it. Also, I'm a sucker for a good joke or picture of a pet.
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