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Kunth J

What I'm like at work


I love working in teams which are driven by a desire to create social impact, in a culture that is open to new ideas and supports experimentation (within budgets of course). Usually, I bring the humour, but its always more, the merrier :) I have difficulty working with organisations that don't even consider data before taking decisions.

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Kunth J

My areas for growth

Maintains effective work life balanceWilling to openly have difficult conversationsMakes decisions promptly, even with uncertainty

Have been working on my soft-skills and improving my communication by consistently watching videos, reading books and reflecting on my conversations with people over the last 3-4 years. While, I have certainly come a long way, am still a student, watching masters at work :)

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Kunth J

My superpowers

Consistently hits goals and is a high performerPrioritizes common good over self-interestStays composed throughout conflict or difficult situationsStays true to own values with integrityMotivated by making community/world impact

In the words of GiveIndia's CEO- "You are one of those rare people who have a good combination of left and right brain. You have creativity as well as data-driven analytical approach to problem solving."