Work Check-ins

A fun and easy way to keep a pulse on team happenings

Check-in on team goals, progress, work wins, and more. 🎯📈🏅
A set of card Takes from the culture platform Candor showcasing team check-ins. These are team responses to prompts like "What are you focusing on?" and "What are you eating or craving lately?".
Status updates without the meeting

Share your current focus at work, what you’re learning, and what has you excited.

Easy, async connection

Comment and react to team check-ins with Sparks—a simple way to show support and stay aligned.

Integrate check-ins into your culture

Candor integrates with Slack to bring timely updates to where you already do your best work.

Async check-ins kept simple

A screen displaying work check-ins on the platform Candor.
know your work